Autonomy enhances on faith; is the founders know?
A lot of argument regarding the youth and their lack of jingoism and knowledge of our country's history and or past which is seems in today’s world. There seems to be a sensitivity that they are unpatriotic and are letting the basic ethics of freedom slip away. This is true in many cases. However, the similar sentiments have been raised for generations.
Extremely our country has changed in the years it is a general knowledge, many of the values held by our ancestors no longer seem of importance. The government performing arts the way it is, in reply to what so many people want, we have reached a dangerous point in our history especially today. Today, far too many citizens and non citizens alike think government should supply for their every want and need. Many are anxious or unwilling to take a change and depend on their own initiative to provide a living for themselves and families but People feel they want safety over freedom.
This inclination began many years ago and in many ways is a by product of our own success. Many began working away from the farm in beginning after World War 2. Come a chance to earn more money and gain profit and vacations not previously available to everyone.
With it, came the labor unions which always gained new privileges for its members. This was fine and good because the working man should share in the plunder of their labors. People soon developed a common sense of entitlement and dependence on the system which is the down side. Much more initiative and self reliance went out the window.
Not to be out done, elected government officials soon found this was an exceptional way to gain votes, promise the people of the world, make them reliant on government, and soon people would begin choice for the candidate who could give them the most pork. Soon the whole country changed their philosophy. People began seeing the benefits of Marxism without realizing the perils.
As a result, when someone expresses the values that made this country great, they are looked at as being intense. What was extreme 40 years ago has become the norm. People just obviously assume they are permitted to whatever they think they need or want. They now think government and business has an unlimited provide of money and it is theirs for the taking. Of this elaborate way of thinking our present economic situation is a direct result.
Everybody has faith, the individuals who have no faith in Allah, put their trust in government. This is injudicious and dangerous to all. Most elected officials have no reliability to their constituents that goes beyond aphorism and doing what will get them re-elected. They could not careful how their actions will affect their country past the next election cycle.
The founding fathers knew this; they put particular safe guards in the structure to protect our autonomy of worship. Although they weren't of a common faith, they all expressed the value of faith in being free. Without trust there can be no autonomy, and without autonomy, there can be no expression of faith. This is the most significant part of a man.
To holds our autonomy together faith is the adhesive force. Trust in a superior power, whatever that belief is. The founding fathers knew that power corrupts, many people would fore sake their mother for the addictive forces of power. This is possible only for faith.
Power corrupts, and without a belief in a power better than ourselves, whom we are all responsible to, we soon sink into an chasm of hopelessness. The Supreme Architect of the Universe when you put your faith in government or any other entity, you are only asking for much despondency and trouble.
Let's hope not only the younger generation, but also the rest of sympathy as well, before it is too late study this lesson.
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